
Showing posts from July, 2017


MARK TAPSON, Six months into the Trump presidency, it seems safe to say that America has never had a political experience like the one he has brought to the White House. He has sparked a stark raving mad #resistance from the left that makes Bush Derangement Syndrome look fair and balanced. The news media hang on his every tweet. Hollywood is practically self-combusting in panic and disbelief. Climate change Cassandras are melting down. Illegal aliens are feeling the heat as well. He has even thrown his own party into turmoil. All of this hysterical disarray has resulted from the impact not of a movement or a Party, but of one man, Donald Trump. Now a new documentary offers some thoughtful commentary on President Trump’s agitating arrival on the political scene. Produced, directed and edited by Agustin Blazquez,  The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the American Mind  features author and filmmaker Laurence Jarvik musing upon the rise of Trump and h...

Watch on YouTube: THE TRUMP EFFECT: Deprogramming the American Mind, A Film by Agustin Blazquez


PREVIEW of THE TRUMP EFFECT: Deprogramming the American Mind


THE TRUMP EFFECT: Deprogramming the American Mind Premieres on YouTube, Monday, July 24th

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Agustin Blazquez Phone: (301) 949-8791 Email: Website: THE TRUMP EFFECT: DEPROGRAMMING THE AMERICAN MIND PREMIERES ON YOUTUBE MONDAY, JULY 24 TH AGUSTIN BLAZQUEZ’S UNAUTHORIZED FEATURE DOCUMENTARY SHEDS NEW LIGHT ON US PRESIDENT Washington, DC, July 20, 2017 – IndependentCuban-American filmmaker Agustin Blazquez ’s ( Covering Cuba, Elian, Che Guevara-The Other Side of an Icon ) new unauthorized feature documentary  premieres on his YouTube channel  on Monday, July 24 th . THE TRUMP EFFECT: DEPROGRAMMING THE AMERICAN MIND explores the psychological meaning of Donald J. Trump’s election as President of the United States. It details President Trump’s challenge to Politically Correct ideology in American life, as “Deprogrammer in Chief”. The film  concludes that the President has the potential to succeed, by changing the way Americans think a...


"... Thank you! I wish every American citizen could hear what you have to say... especially the 20 something year olds who have never known another system other than the brainwashing of the last three presidents. A wonderful presentation, I have already watched several times, so that I too, am armed with the knowledge you have provided. Keep doing what you do, we need to hear the TRUTH! Thank you again."                                                           --Debra Johnson, YouTube comment "A fascinating video!"                           --Conservative Women's Forum "Hooray for Donald Trump, the Deprogrammer-in-Chief and the Master Realist who will make America realistic again!  And hooray for Larry Jarvik, who is his prophet!"          ...

ARTICLES about Agustin Blazquez

FROM VIVA AGUSTIN!  by James Simpson The American Thinker  November 5, 2012 Agustin is an artist by trade, but like many of us who know what the Left is really about, has always felt it a duty to use his skills to express his concerns and counter the Left's relentless propaganda... ... Since the 1990s Agustin has produced such documentaries, usually with no outside support, using his own resources to expose the truth about Cuba and the American Left. Unlike liberal producers, who get funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, PBS and others for all kinds of quack "documentaries," Agustin has never secured funding from any of these organizations, despite his many qualifications. Read more: Follow us:  @AmericanThinker on Twitter  |  AmericanThinker on Facebook ---


Please credit photo use:  From AGUSTIN BLAZQUEZ'S  THE TRUMP EFFECT:  Deprogramming the American Mind (c) 2017 AB INDPENDENT PRODUCTIONS Filmmaker Agustin Blazquez Filmmaker Agustin Blazquez with Cong. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Donald J. Trump & New York City Laurence Jarvik Programming Donald J. Trump & Laurence Jarvik NSA Headquarters New York and Growth Trump Tower & Laurence Jarvik Donald Trump & Laurence Jarvik Brainwashing Donald Trump & Laurence Jarvik Donald Trump Censored Fear of PC Stars & Stripes with Lady Liberty

Biography of Filmmaker Agustin Blazquez

Agustín Blázquez Biography Agustin Blazquez was born in Cardenas, Cuba. He left Cuba on July 18, 1965, and lived in Montreal, Paris and Madrid before arriving in the U.S. in 1967.  Blazquez graduated from The Municipal Academy of Dramatic Arts of Havana in 1962.  Although the single curriculum available was termed "Dramatic Arts", he began his acting career before graduation by performing on radio, TV and in theater. Anecdote :   Before graduating, he and a fellow graduate purchased a Keystone 16 mm camera because 16 mm was the only film stock available in Cuba at that time.  With the two reels of stock they were able to find to purchase, they produced two films for the sole purpose of obtaining the experience.  They had no access to editing equipment, so the productions were shot in sequence.  Due to the lack of everything from equipment to opportunity in post-revolutionary Cuba, they were able to view the films only once.  Ther...